Insulin Constant Rate Infusion for Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Enter requested data in bold boxes

*30 ml/pound/day fluid maintenance is 0 ml/hour
*30 x Body wt (kg) + 70 fluid maintenance is 0 ml/hour

50 mls of the insulin solution should be allowed to flow through the tubing and be discarded.
This will saturate the insulin binding sits on plastic.

Add 0 Units of Regular Insulin to the remaining fluids (0.9% NaCl) for a 2.2 U/kg/day CRI (Dogs)
Add 0 Units for a 1.1 U/kg/day CRI (Cats)

*Supplement glucose when serum level is less than 250 gm/dl
*Monitor serum phosphorous and supplement when less than 2.0 mg/dl
*Hemolysis may indicate significant hypophosphatemia

Add 0 mls 3 mM P/ml Potassium Phosphates to the remaining fluids

*Note this will result in an extra 0 mEq Potassium/Liter

Phosphorous Supplement Feline Insulin Constant Rate Infusion Canine Insulin Constant Rate Infusion
0 mls of 3 mMp/ml
have been added to this bag
to give 0 mmol/kg/hr.
*Note extra 0 mEq/L potassium.
0 Units of regular insulin have been
added to 0 mls of fluid.
Delivered at 0 mls/hour it will give
a constant infusion of 1.1 U/kg/day
0 Units of regular insulin have been
added to 0 mls of fluid.
Delivered at 0 mls/hour it will give
a constant infusion of 2.2 U/kg/day